Thursday, October 11, 2007

Unusual Apple Pie for Calorie Counters

Since all of us seasoned senior citizens seem to be counting our calories, I came across this slightly lower than usual caloried apple pie. It’s for calorie counters because you can make it with out the crust which saves a couple of calories. But in that case, Erma, I think it is not really a pie, but more of a pudding?

Strangely enough, this bakes up stiff enough that you don’t have to have a crust, and it cuts in nice wedges. Of course, to me, a perfect apple pie is one that when you cut it, the liquid runs all over the place and you have to spoon the extra over the cut pie.

That kind of runny, sweet mess also means that you had ALWAYS better put an old cookie sheet with foil under the baking pie to catch the spill overs. Nothing like trying to clean up burned-on apple pie liquid!!

Grated Apple Pie:

2 eggs
1/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons butter
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ cup cream or evaporated milk
5 large juicy apples
9 inch pie shell, unbaked (optional)

Blend all ingredients except apples in a blender for a few seconds. Slice the apples and blend again. When apples are cut fine, pour into an unbaked pie shell in a 9 inch pie pan, or into a 9 inch tart pan that has been lightly sprayed with Pam.

Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes until ingredients are set.

This will hold its shape without a crust.

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